It is to inform you all that Teleforensic medicolegal services and telemedicine services are available here
it is necessary to take appointment with dr Abhishek soni before proceeding towards live session of teleforensic assistance at your workplace
there shall be no communication and meetings without affirmation of the appointment with the online or offline visitor.
at the end of the session, it is mandatory to pay the fees as already told in the buy my services panel
following topics will be covered in this online book platform and only these relevant consultations will be accepted and done here with the visitors
the copilot like interface is provided here to assist you in your postmortem endeavor at your AI integrated advance mortuary setup where online video audio interface integrated assistance is provided for the onboard doctor conducting postmortem examination at their workplaces
chapter 1 part a thanatology
chapter 1 part b different types of death and their medicolegal considerations
chapter 2 part a autopsy and forensic anatomy and relevant pathology by organ injured basis
chapter 2 part b forensic neuropathology
chapter 2 part c forensic pathology and forensic histopathology
chapter 2 part d forensic radiology
chapter 2 part e times since death estimation , postmortem changes and postmortem artefacts
chapter 3 part a legal procedures , medical jurisprudence and medical ethics
chapter 3 part b various acts relevant to forensic medicine and their implications in your daily workplace practices
Chapter 3 part c criminology, victimology and penology including court procedure
chapter 3 part d forensic evidence
Chapter 3 part e various court cases of courts of medical negligence and their verdicts
chapter 4 medicolegal toxicology in poisoning cases
chapter 5 miscellaneous